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Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc. (ΣΙΑ), often known as '"SIA'", is a Latina-oriented Greek letter intercollegiate and independent sorority, founded on September 29, 1990, by 13 women. The sorority participates in local, national and international community service as well as educational, cultural and social events.

Members are to formalize, cultivate, and foster bonds amongst each other as sisters and to abide by respect, trust, communication, professionalism, and accountability.


The mission of Sigma Iota Alpha is to constantly strive towards the expansion of awareness of the Latino and diverse cultures, to promote sisterhood and leadership among members, and to serve as models of excellence in education and achievement among women.



Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc.

Founded: September 29, 1990

Type: Social

Scope: National

Motto: Semper Unum et Inseparabilis (Always One and Inseparable)

Colors: Red, Gold, & Royal Blue

Symbol: Unicorn and Pegasus

Flower: Red Rose

Chapters: 52 undergraduate chapters,

12 graduate chapters, and 18 colonies

INSTAGRAM: @utsa_sia


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